Employees with healthy wellbeing at work

Wellbeing at Work: 20 incentives to launch today

February 26, 2021

Categorised in: Employee Benefits, Employee Engagement, Employee Wellbeing, Hive360 App

Employee wellbeing has always been key to having an engaged and happy workforce. Wellbeing at work can strengthen productivity by giving staff more motivation and energy, it can boost business morale, and improve retention by ensuring a better work-life balance. But it’s only been in more recent years that companies have begun to acknowledge this and take worker welfare incentives seriously.

So, because it’s an increasingly important consideration for managers and staff alike, here are 20 employee wellbeing incentives that you can launch today:

Performance Incentives

These can often revolve around motivation and a desire to perform tasks, with incentives such as:

1. Office Comfort

Improving the design of your workplace prevents fatigue, minimises distractions and, above all, increases comfort. Perhaps look to bring in ergonomic office chairs, improve natural lighting, get more office plants, or create a more colourful and positive aesthetic generally.

2. Training Options & Performance Support

Give your employees chances to expand their skills and support that incentivises good work. Whether this is internal training, an online program, or a strong promotion and assessment system, giving staff options and motivation to improve is likely to strengthen wellbeing at work.

3. Fair & Clear Bonus/Incentive Programs

These can add to an employee’s drive to perform well and remain engaged with the company. Bonus incentives can greatly improve morale so long as they are transparent and distribute rewards fairly to all departments and job types.

4. Loyalty Incentives

In addition to programs rewarding good performances, consider the value of cumulative work. Providing, for instance, an additional day of holiday for each year at your company is likely to improve wellbeing as well as Employee Retention.

Healthy Work Culture

When it comes to the workplace, some of the best physical and mental wellbeing initiatives that support good health can include:

5. Supplying Healthy Office Snacks

Having alternatives to pastries and chocolates, such as fruit baskets and healthy snack substitutes, can give your office space more variety and improve bodily wellbeing.

6. Encouraging Light Exercise

Instead of having staff sit at their desk all day, encourage light exercise with ideas like:

  • Walking meetings – It sounds strange, but studies have shown moving during meetings can increase creative thought.
  • Walk/Bike to work incentives – Install bike racks, have promotional materials, or simply encourage members of your office to take it up together!
  • Lunch break games – If you have some extra space, getting a table tennis table or a basketball hoop can brighten up work breaks significantly.

7. Healthy Living Resources

Install a benefits system that offers healthcare support, encourage the distribution of nutritional resources and meal ideas, or even order your employees a healthy lunch on the office once a month.

8. Mental Health Support

Mental wellbeing comes hand-in-hand with a healthy work culture. Thus, it’s essential that you offer Resources Concerning Mental Health, encourage open and safe discussions, and provide emotional support that’s open for all.

Financial Initiatives

Monetary incentives are often the clearest way of showing your employees that you value their work, and some of the following are great for supporting their wellbeing:

9. Fair & Accessible Payroll

Firstly, employees have to feel that accessing their pay is easy and secure, allowing them to keep on top of finances and gain long-term reassurance from their work.

10. Discount & Rewards Schemes

These can increase the purchasing power of employee payroll and improve their Engagement with Work. Moreover, high-street discount programs are more affordable and easier to implement than ever before!

11. Company-Wide Charity Work

Monetary incentives can go beyond employee pay to highlight positive values concerning your business. Hosting charity events such as fundraisers not only reflects well on your business, it can be incredibly positive for employee wellbeing and creating sense of pride in working for you.

12. Additional Financial Support

This can range from extra rewards (a profit share scheme, for instance) to monetary help (like debt counselling). In all, having an extensive range of support can improve Financial Wellbeing in the Workplace.

Work-Life Incentives

These can cover initiatives offering social perks, support wellbeing at work and at home. A few easy to set-up examples are:

13. Flexible Working Hours

Everyone’s life is different outside the office. Flexible working hours can show your employees that you understand this, and should create a more trusting, less restrictive office atmosphere.

14. Permanent Remote Work Programs

Covid-19 has shown us the positives of Working from Home, whilst proving that staff can still be productive. Thus, when offices eventually reopen, giving employees more choice as to where they work can improve social wellbeing in your company moving forward.

15. Encourage a Sociable Workplace

This is quite a broad initiative. Setting up work/after-work socials, adding more creative spaces, and having relevant meetings and chats more frequently can help employee satisfaction.

16. Extra Holiday Incentives   

It may sound counter-intuitive, but offering employees more holiday time could increase their productivity overall. If employees feel they have more time for social activities, they may feel greater levels of wellbeing during working hours.

HIVE360 Support Services Ltd Initiatives

Our Employee Benefits App has a multitude of wellbeing support that can be set-up for your company quickly and easily, offering cost-neutral initiatives such as: 

17. Performance Incentives with Us

Our app can provide performance initiatives including a central communication platform for rewarding good work, as well as a leading Online Training Platform for employee self-development.

18. Healthy Work Culture with Us

Another excellent health-oriented wellbeing at work initiative is to set-up personal support. We offer each employee personal doctor services, carer support as well as mental health counselling and a helpline.

19. Financial Initiatives with Us

With our PAYE Payroll Services your business can guarantee staff an encrypted central payslip portal, alongside easy to access financial history. The largest employee discount scheme in the world is also available here, making our app a great initiative for portable monetary wellbeing at work.

20. Work-Life Incentives with Us

Of course, our discount scheme extends to work-life perks, making it easier and more affordable to organise work socials or activities outside of the office (with items such as discounted gym memberships).

These last four wellbeing at work initiatives can all be achieved together thanks to us, making it a great place to start improving your employee experience! You can find more information on our no obligation exploratory meeting here or, to ask us any questions on employee welfare support, feel free to Contact Us.