Furloughed Employee Engagement

Re-Engaging Employees after the Summer Holidays

September 20, 2021

Categorised in: Employee Engagement

September marks the beginning of Autumn, bringing the season’s picturesque transformations with it. It’s a wonderful time of year, and yet it also comes with a sobering reminder that Summer has drawn to a close. With the holidays over and many of us back to work full-time, employees can often experience fatigue or Symptoms of Boreout. So, how can businesses Re-Engage their Employees during such a time?

Why do you need to maintain Employee Engagement?

Sustaining Employee Engagement is an objective that every business should have, given that a motivated workforce usually creates a more productive organisation. Beyond this, an engaged office environment can often help Retain Staff and recruit the best new talent. In turn, this makes companies even more efficient as well as, quite simply, happier places to be overall.

Helping staff to re-engage

Given how important employee engagement is to business functions, you can see why Autumn may present a challenge. Staff members that return from their Summer holidays feeling tired or directionless can have a lasting impact on company performance. Thus, we recommend a variety of ways for you to re-engage employees.

1. Welcome everyone back

Regardless of how long employees have been away for this Summer or how motivated they seem, be sure to welcome everyone back and communicate with people individually. If you have new starters, have discussions with them as well so that they can adapt to their new work environment.

In addition, you can go a step further and host a social event at the start of Autumn. This is convenient as more people are often free after Summer, and it’s also a great way of making staff feel valued and subsequently more engaged with the business.

2. Set company and individual goals

Setting Business Goals can be extremely useful when it comes to presenting a vision and direction for your employees’ work. On top of that, you can set individual objectives for your personnel if you think that could also boost engagement, but always avoid targets that appear daunting and that could lead to Burnout.

3. Offer training and progression routes

Re-engaging employees after Summer can be made much easier if your staff members feel that they can make personal progress in their abilities and their career over the next few months. That’s why it’s important to offer some form of a Staff Training Platform, and a clear path towards progressing their position in the company.

4. Improve your Employee Benefits Scheme

A complete Employee Benefits Package is essential to maintaining engagement levels, particularly after Summer. That’s why HIVE360 Support Services Ltd offers its Engage App as standard with Our Payroll Solutions. This offers your company training and Employee Wellbeing Services, as well as access to the largest staff discount scheme in the world.

So, this Autumn, why not give your workforce the re-engagement support that they deserve with our employee benefits scheme, and book an exploratory meeting today!