Hive360 - Winter Blues

Maintaining Employee Engagement over the Holidays

November 25, 2021

Categorised in: Employee Benefits, Employee Engagement, Employee Wellbeing

When it comes to HIVE360 Support Services Ltd’s services, a huge emphasis is always placed on Improving a Company’s Employee Engagement. And, with the holidays almost upon us, these festivities offer a great opportunity to reward your staff whilst supporting their Wellbeing. Here’s how you can do it.

1. Reviewing your year

December often brings end of year goals and expectations of improvement with it. Whilst this is understandable, it is crucial that any review of the year is reasonable and fair towards your employees. Moreover, when it comes to work around the festive period, understand that your team might be Burned Out after a long year, so avoid anything that could cause unnecessary stress for employees.

2. Recognise and reward

As always, be sure to recognise and reward the great work that your teams are doing. The end of the year represents the perfect time for this as it can help to Prevent So-Called ‘Boreout’ amongst staff. So, be sure to give praise and personal thanks to each member of your workforce. After all, there’s a reason that the ‘Christmas Bonus’ has become a standard in many industries!

3. Plan for the new year

Focusing on employee engagement during the holidays is crucial, but it’s equally important to have a re-entry plan for January. Given that many People’s Engagement Also Dips After The Summer Holidays, having benefits, perks, and other incentives in place throughout the year is vital for maintaining company morale.

4. Inclusive and creative festivities

When planning your Christmas party this year, try to make the event Inclusive to Benefit all Employees. Some staff might not drink or celebrate Christmas, for instance, so ensure that you organise your festivities so that everyone feels welcome.

In addition, try to be creative with your celebrations. Booking a place that’s different from previous years’ events is a good way to go about this. Meanwhile, if you still have employees working remotely, continue last year’s tradition and host a virtual get-together or by sending them a food or drink delivery.

5. Offer employee benefits to boost work-life balance

The reality for most employees during the holidays is that their work-life balance comes into greater focus with so much going on.

Thus, having a set of comprehensive Employee Benefits can help support this significantly, and ensure that your workforce feels rewarded each and every month. Reward schemes that include discount programs, Training Resources, and other perks can go a long way to supporting engagement and even Boosting Employee Retention.

We provide all of this through our Engage App, which comes as standard with our PAYE Payroll Solutions. But, to conclude, we want to wish your business a happy holiday from everyone at HIVE360 Support Services Ltd!