Temporary worker laughing

Employee wellbeing for temporary workers

December 1, 2021

Categorised in: Employee Benefits, Employee Engagement, Employee Wellbeing, Recruitment

Employee Health and Wellbeing for workers have been subject to debate for many years. Although employers are aware of the impact that positive mental health can have on productivity, the welfare of temporary staff is often overlooked.

When a business invests in temporary staff to help the company, it should also achieve the same wellbeing support for all staff. However, promoting temporary staff wellbeing isn’t happening despite being just as important for employers.

Why temporary workers health and wellbeing should be a priority

Since the pandemic struck, Temporary Staff Mental Health like the rest of the working population has been impacted, but more significantly for this community of workers has been the impact that the lack of job security has had. According to UK Stats, studies show that workers take an average of four mental health days’ out of their annual leave. The most concerning factor is that employees lied about taking mental health days due to fear of being sacked or demoted, or a lack of understanding from their managers.

So, it’s clear the stigma surrounding mental health is still prevalent.

Without the work of Temporary Employees, many businesses will struggle to operate, yet these employees’ wellbeing is all too often neglected. It’s about far more than just covering the basics, but maintaining Wellbeing and Wellness at Work for everyone – permanent or temporary that will have a positive influence on performance and commitment.

How to understand temp workers needs

Businesses that utilise a temporary workforce, will want new staff to get up to speed straight away in these situations. Therefore, making their wellbeing a priority means that they’re prepared to start adding value to the company. Furthermore, having your temporary employees happy and motivated will ensure that they bring in results for the organisation, remain loyal to your business and recommend you to their friends and other temping colleagues.

The best way to achieve temporary employee wellbeing

One of the ways that a business can help Temporary Employees is to ensure their pay is handled promptly, making sure their timesheets are signed off and paid on time, and providing easy and accessible access to payslips and pay information. Temporary workers should be well looked after just like permanent employees. If they have performed well at work, rewards and recognition will boost their morale, productivity, and contentment.

Employee Benefits are crucial for Employee Retention and staff satisfaction, and this is as significant for temporary workers as it is for permanent staff.  Supporting better wellbeing should be a key consideration too, especially when you factor in the nature of temporary work which rarely allows easy time out for doctors’ appointments or sickness.  HIVE360 Support Services Ltd’s Engage App provides GP and mental health counselling services 24/7 via a mobile app, plus an extensive online resource packed full of health and wellbeing advice that all staff can benefit from. It’s an app enjoyed by 1000s of temps currently that is transforming their working life, and allowing them to priorities their health.

The responsibility of maintaining the health and wellbeing of temporary staff isn’t just the hiring business’ responsibility, but also the recruitment agency they’re working with. The responsibility of a Recruitment Agency to look after their candidates well is key to their success right now and is rapidly becoming a key factor for growth and profitability. Great agencies will provide support before, during and after placement, and add value to their candidates’ experience with benefits and support.

So, if you’re looking for support or adapting your temporary employees’ health and wellbeing programmes, or you’re a recruitment agency looking to offer more to your candidates why not contact our team for advice or book an exploratory meeting today!